
Comporta, the ideal place for teleworking

The worldwide pandemic brought us new paradigms and the way of working was somewhat restructured. Teleworking was not something new, but with the current events many, with no other choice, had to adapt to this trend. In Portugal, it was a novelty in most professional activities. With no other option, it was a mandatory measure and much is said that this trend is here to stay.

The new possibilities

Being able to work in the comfort of our own home, makes us think of the countless possibilities, and one of them is: the option to work somewhere else. Teleworking has brought new professional perspectives. Being able to work from anywhere is an added value for those who like to explore new places. Escaping from the cities to enjoy what the countryside and nature have to offer is starting to become a trend for many workers.

Comporta, where the days are lighter

Comporta, increasingly internationally known is a small village that is 1H15 from Lisbon and in the Alentejo region. Characterised with its blue and white tones and surrounded by storks that maintain their nests in high structures, the village each time presents new gastronomic options, shopping, leisure and activities. The beaches along this coast are wild and breathtaking.  In the summer it is naturally more sought after, however you never witness massive tourism. Nature and calmness are the focus of those who seek this vacation destination.  Comporta is not only summer. In any season, this region of Portugal presents its beauty.


In winter, despite having naturally lower temperatures, the blue sky by day and starry at night provides unique days. And the emptier landscapes and beaches make us remember this moment forever. It is truly unique! To be able to enjoy all this natural beauty, regardless of the season, and be able to conciliate professional work or telework is enriching. Comporta is nature, calmness with its own identity, it is gastronomy, it is production of wine, it is activities, it is wild beaches, it is quietness, among other characteristics. The perfect place to gain the necessary inspiration and make your professional days lighter.

campo de arroz

Reconcile work comfortably

Choosing an excellent accommodation is ideal to have a positive experience. In addition to high-speed Internet (Fiber), our villas offer all the comfort you need regardless of the season. In addition to infinity pools, fireplaces are part of the interior of our villas and offer unmistakable views through their bright and open architecture. For those who like to move their teleworking “office”, comporta is an excellent choice. Nothing more rewarding than after a day’s work still being able to take a dip in the beach, on the hottest days, or watch a sunset overlooking the rice fields or even the well-known pier “palafítico da carrasqueira”.Not forgetting the delicious dinner that the numerous restaurants in this region offer.

How light would it be to work like this?