
Die Geheimnisse von Carrasqueira in Portugal

Auf der Suche nach Schönheit - Jun 2022

Carrasqueira ist wahrscheinlich das traditionellste der kleinen Dörfer in Comporta. Es liegt 1:15 von Lissabon entfernt am Ufer der Mündung des Sado gegenüber von Setùbal. Es ist berühmt für seinen Hafen auf Stelzen mit alten hölzernen Anlegestellen für die örtlichen Fischerboote. Carrasqueira in Comporta beherbergt ebenfalls originale Fischerhütten. Das Ackerland und die Flussmündung von Carrasqueira


Sunset in Comporta

Die Natur spüren - May 2022

We all know how much Comporta and its region are gaining notoriety from year to year. And it is not for less. Comporta is a place with splendid nature and beaches for all tastes.  Now that the warmer months are starting to arrive, everyone wants to enjoy the summer days when the sunsets go late.


Bootsfahrt in Comporta

Auf der Suche nach Schönheit - Mar 2022

Comporta liegt an der Küste des Alentejo, umgeben von schönen Stränden und Reisfeldern, was die ganze Region zu einem idyllischen und ganz besonderen Ort macht. Comporta spiegelt sich im Klang der Natur wider, den Störchen in ihren Nestern, dem Gesang der Vögel, seinen Häusern in Blau- und Weißtönen oder Häusern mit Strohdächern, seinen ausgedehnten Dünen,


Alentejo and its forestation

Die Natur spüren - Jan 2022

Portugal is a relatively small country with just over 10 million people. The country is divided into regions and some archipelagos, with an extensive and diverse coastline. There are beaches of all types, white or dark sand, coastal cliffs, large estuaries, bays, coastal lagoons, sheltered bays, headlands, and islands or islets. The forestation is as

Comporta, the ideal place for teleworking

Die Natur spüren - Nov 2021

The worldwide pandemic brought us new paradigms and the way of working was somewhat restructured. Teleworking was not something new, but with the current events many, with no other choice, had to adapt to this trend. In Portugal, it was a novelty in most professional activities. With no other option, it was a mandatory measure


Comporta-Strände, die schönsten Orte

Unkategorisiert - Oct 2021

Die Region von Comporta ist bekannt für ihre wilde und geschützte Natur, ihre friedliche Atmosphäre und ihre charmanten, traditionellen Dörfer. Zu ihren Hauptvorzügen gehören zweifellos die langen und herrlichen Strände, die sich über mehr als 60 km Küstenlinie erstrecken.Die Strände von Comporta sind mit feinem und weißem Sand bedeckt, der sich von dem tiefen Blau

Natural Park Arrabida

The Natural Parks of Portugal

Die Natur spüren - Oct 2021

Portugal reveals an exceptional diversity of landscapes between the mountains of the center of the country, an Atlantic facade of more than 800 kilometers and the plains of the south. Thanks to the creation of numerous natural parks and reserves, the country has been able to preserve a varied fauna and flora within protected areas.

Beach club Comporta

Comporta and the Beach Clubs

Essen und Trinken - Sep 2021

Portugal is a country that became visible a few years ago and since then is increasingly sought after by more and more tourists. There is sun, good food, excellent wine, beaches for all tastes and it is a small country that allows a quick movement from place to place. Alentejo has never been as famous

beautiful beach

The most beautiful beaches in Portugal

Die Natur spüren - Aug 2021

With nearly 1,700 kilometers of coastline, Portugal has no shortage of beaches to lay your towel on! Its pleasant climate allows you to enjoy the sun and sea all year round. Between wild creeks, seaside resorts and long ribbons of white sand, it is difficult to make a choice. To help you, we have compiled

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